But, far, no one has brought back an evidence, though there have been numerous sightings giant have in the snow by mountaineers who gone to climb in the none more famous than the man who first climbed Mount Everest, Sir Edmund Hillary. of However, to this day, the true nature this "man of the mountains' remains one of modern life's greatest mysteries. [3] underneath the icy waters of Scandinavia, a giant octopus waited. As far back as 1250, the giant Kraken was being described in ancient Norse sagas. This beast was believed to attack Norwegian fishing boats and drag them beneath the waves with its huge tentacles. Fishermen in the area faced a dilemma: where there was a Kraken there were always plenty of fish, but could they risk going anywhere near it? The Kraken were said to be so big that they were often mistaken for islands and included on maps of the sea. Reports of these monsters were still cropping up as late as the 1850s. The Kraken has appeared in literature too in a poem by Tennyson and in the 1953 novel The Kraken Wakes by John Wyndham. These days, most biologists believe stories of the Kraken were based on sightings of giant squid, which can measure as long as 13m. Perhaps they're right or is there something even bigger still hiding under the sea?