Mythology and Facts about Geb
Fact 1 about Geb:
He was originally the god of the earth, but later he became a god of the dead as representing the earth wherein the deceased was laid
Fact 2 about Geb: He was so admired as a ruler, that the Egyptian throne was known by the epithet, "Seat of Geb."
Fact 3 about Geb: He also symbolized the valleys and hills of the land, which was called "The House of Geb" just as the air was called the "House of Shu,", the Underworld the "House of Osiris" and the heaven the "House of Ra"
Fact 4 about Geb: He is one of the gods who watch the weighing of the heart of the deceased in the ceremony of justification in the Hall of the Two Truths
Fact 5 about Geb: In ancient Greek mythology he became identified with the Greek god Cronus.
Fact 6 about Geb: Heliopolis was the birthplace of the company of the gods and Geb was a prominent member of the 'divine family'
Fact 7 about Geb: The Goose symbolizes parenthood, productive power and vigilance