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no,in my research DNB task, I got the Gamma activity in frontal lobe and parietal lobe . Frequency about 40-46 Hz.Theta was found in frontal lobe coupling with Gamma wave.
? | 5 years ago
I did some research and read some posts and WM training has shown to increase theta waves in the brain. I have an interesting quote here from a website, that explains why you may feel tired when you play N-Back.
"People with ADD/ADHD [inattentive ADD/ADHD, as opposed to other types of ADD such as overfocused] exhibit too little Beta (thinking) activity and too much Theta(dreaming) activity. This is the classic inattention for ADD. Too much theta compared to beta, which can cause attention problems and hyperactivity.
(It seems counterintuitive that too much slow wave can cause a child to be hyperactive, but because the brain is operating too slowly and not getting enough stimuli, the child seeks external stimulation to reward his brain.)
I've concluded from reading this, when you play n-back you are increase theta (a dream state of mind in your brain) and thats why you feel tired, and thats why you have more vivid dreaming when you go to sleep.
The thing that worries me is i have no attention problem, but I'm afraid if I constantly increase my theta waves in my brain I could obtain attention problems. What do you guys think? If you would like to read the whole article heres the link.
87d0tc0m | 6 years ago
no,in my research the DNB task, I got the Gamma activity in frontal lobe and parietal lobe . Frequency about 40-46 Hz.Theta was found in frontal lobe coupling with Gamma wave.
? | 5 years ago
Normal activation of D2 receptors will not decrease D2-receptor density, it will increase it. I understand that a *sufficient* drug-induced increase in receptor activation may lead to smaller numbers of *active* receptor sites, when the receptors cannot desensitize sufficiently, but typical activation, as through mental force, should not exceed the increased threshold resultant by initial up-population/desensitization in response to greater neurotransmission (down-regulation)--only when activity is much too high, as in drug overdose, will neurons react by -shutting down- receptor sites (receptor downgrading), to compensate for the excess activity.
D2 receptor sites provide frontal lobe inhibition involved in tasks such as insight into one's condition, the multiply-coordinated effort in the frontal, executive brain--when the frontal lobe is inhibited, information from other brain regions can be adapted. They also play an excitatory role in the limbic system, in the more primitive lower part of the brain.
Practice results in lower levels of brain activity during task execution, a result of the incorporation of larger populations of less sensitive receptors. Larger populations do not all exhibit electrical activity at once; if they did, as in a drug-induced scenario, it may result in downgrading of receptor sites to normalize activity levels.
D1 and D2 receptors are contrary in their effect on electrical activity though only in the frontal brain, but activity between them is not directly mediated; an increase in D2 activity is more likely to not have an effect on D1 transmission, and vice-versa.
Also, ADD, with all its paradoxes, is the result of an underlying disorder, and increased theta, if it is the result of WM training, would not have the same dysfunctional profile--as it is "opportunistically" integrated into the normal brain.
N.B. An increase in receptor population normally coincides with down-regulation: up-population and desensitization.
Too much theta vs. beta does not *cause* inattention, etc., it *coincides* with it in some cases.
? | 6 years ago
Receptor population increases initially with neurotransmitter levels and decreases again when activity is too high. I remember this being counter-intuitive (-in class).
Receptors become downgraded when they are damaged by excessive activity. This is an additional effect--damaged receptors.
N.B. I learned this instantly (from class) and never checked (I read textbooks). I'm having trouble recalling the professor's specific association from class. This was 'do expert.' I let neuroscience go.
Sorry for any 'garbåge,' Good Luck!!
Have to remember why...
OK now I believe this is right... D2-? Insight into one's condition-? That's inference.
TY /gap junctions...
? | 6 years ago
Dude, you really sit down in the Couch of Context.
It has been shown by Klingberg et al that D1 receptor density binding merely modulates with training (that is, it either increases or decreases depending on the person).
Get a hold of yourself, man!
The brain isn't at all counterintuitive; it is only so when you haven't understood some of the basic organizational features thereof. Let the prejudices go.
? | 6 years ago
I meant I am not certain, it's been a long time since I first encountered this material--
...I don't think the results showed modulation per se, there was a negative correlation between WM training and D1 BP... This should be unrelated to receptor density, though I have read that cortical D1 receptor site density was found to increase with WM training. It could be two effects, or I could be mistaken--receptor density binding does not exist...
...What was explained to be counter-intuitive is that receptor population actually decreases when activity is too high. "Downstream" effect-.
...I doubt this was emotional; Making sure the logic was correct (valid)...
I also explained that I was taught this:
? | 6 years ago
It isn't counterintuitive to me that overactivation leads to reduced receptor populations. Homoeostasis is a very well understood biological phenomenon.
It isn't that your posts were emotional either. They are poorly composed and do not convey whatever points you're trying to make very clearly.
Use more active verbs. Get out of the linguistic Dark Age your schooling has given you.
? | 6 years ago
I'm certainly no neuroscientist, but notwithstanding gap junctions/electrical synapses, communication between neurons is mediated by ionotropic and metabotropic receptors, which in the absence or dearth of their endogenous ligands, the brain being replete with homeostatic mechanisms as it is, upregulate - which is to say they become more sensitive to their respective ligands. To me, increased theta activity implies increase D2 receptor activation within the prefrontal cortex. D1 receptors and D2 receptors are in a real sense opposites of one another: the former, in binding to heterotrimeric g proteins with an alpha-s domain, increases intracellular cAMP concentrations. The latter by binding to g-proteins with an inhibitory type alpha domain, decrease cAMP leves. The former promotes release of acetylcholine and generally increases glutamatergia. The latter presumably decrease the release of acetylcholine and dampens glutamatergic currents (which is where the theta waves come in). There is, for reasons a bit to complicated to explain here, an inverse relationship between the density of these receptors. To the extent to which you activate D2 receptors, you decrease D2 receptor density and increase D1 receptor density. As I said, theta waves, to me, imply D2 receptor activation and with sufficient stimulation of neurons through these receptors, you can expect to find a downregulation of D2 receptors and an upregulation of D1. It just so happens that research into dual-n-back tests has shown that it results in an upregulation of D1 receptors.
In other words, your theory that the preponderance of theta wave states is proportional to the amount of time already spent in theta states appears - at least to me, who am a dilettante and not much better than a layman, at that, in these matters - to be diametric opposition to reality. The more time one spends doing n-back tests - i.e. being in a theta state - the less likely one is to be in such a state when not taking them.
? | 6 years ago
Lots of typos and poor compositional choices. My apologies. I was in a bit of a hurry.
? | 6 years ago
You would do well to reference published material...
? | 6 years ago
You shouldn't worry. Theta activity is a waveform associated with concentration:
Relatedly, I find that at times when I listen to binaural beats at theta, I can concentrate on the material slightly more easily.
? | 6 years ago
"...the material I'm reading..."
? | 6 years ago
Athletes rest at lower frequency than do sedentary persons. The brain must become bored,--also due to fitness.
Highly creative people are often bored, meditative persons are--ADD--, etc....truck drivers...
Theta is a basal openness: to possibilities otherwise present.
--N-back theta should folloW Training...
? | 6 years ago
Wrong, wrong, wrong. There is no boredom in the associative process. It is a natural outcome of a relaxed state of mind.
? | 6 years ago
Relaxation is also a qualified state; the fundamental divergence of the normal state in trained individuals can be attributed to contextual boredom-; as the comparative state, boredom is proficient, relaxation--deniably-so. The operative conclusion is that "descriptive" activity should not be consubstantiated into further activity suggesting the culpable successive state._
The primary description initiated is accounted to boredom. Relaxation indicates a primary participatory relevance by its necessary qualification. The proper correlate of relaxation in this case is boredom--activity significantly-is absent (participatory-.):
? | 6 years ago