Once soils are exposed during the construction phase of any development there is
ntial f
or soil erosion leading to silt
laden runoff which could damage SuDS and pollute
watercourses downstream
Temporary treatment systems separate to the main SuDS system
should be provided unless it is intended they will be replaced or restored (SEPA,
Upstream pre
treatment features help
build resilient downstream SuDS landscapes, reducing
maintenance both during construction and operation
Such features are designed to hold back
contamination and can include for example swales, detention basins
and filters strips or hard
infrastructure such as oil interceptors that can capture coarse sediment and oil and contain
large spillages
It is imperative to ensure there is a system in place for management of
emergency spillages
Measures such as the avail
ability of oil absorbent booms and materials can
also be incorporated into management plans and used to contain spills