Fairness in Treatment During the Testing Process
Regardless of the purpose of testing, the goal of fairness is to maximize, to the extent possible, the opportunity for test takers to demonstrate their standing on the construct(s) the test is intended to measure. Traditionally, careful standardization of tests, administration conditions, and scoring procedures have helped to ensure that test takers have comparable contexts in which to demonstrate the abilities or attributes to be measured. For example, uniform directions, specified time limits, specified room arrangements, use of proctors, and use of consistent security procedures are implemented so that differences in administration conditions will not inadvertently influence the performance of some test takers relative to others. Similarly, concerns for equity in treatment may require, for some tests, that all test takers have qualified test administrators with whom they can communicate and feel comfortable to the extent practicable. Where technology is involved, it is important that examinees have had similar prior exposure to the technology and that the equipment provided to all test takers be of similar processing speed and provide similar clarity and size for images and other media. Procedures for the standardized administration of a test should be carefully documented by the test developer and followed carefully by the test administrator.