Robots are playing a vital role in today’s industrial automation and monitoring system. As technology developed these robots have increased their applications and functionality. Working robots will cooperate to the people makes the work more Effortless and uncomplicated. This paper provides 4 different gestures for controlling the robots, i.e., forward, backward, left, right. For cutting weeds a gripper concept using buttons is anticipated. These movements are given by the user using MEMS Sensor. The MEMS Sensor will be set to the hand. Whenever the hand moves in some direction, the mechanical movement of the hand will be recognized by MEMS. MEMS translate this mechanical hand movement into equivalent electrical signals and send it to the Raspberry Pi. The Raspberry Pi at the transmitter side sends control signals to the receiver side through IOT (Internet of Things). The controller (ARM7) at the receiver area receives these signals and gives direction to the robot through IOT i.e. through cloud.