the Current office syndrome is a syndrome that is common among Thailand. Not caused by a particular group of people only. Also includes children The next play games on a computer or smart phone models. The structure of the body has not completely like the old days with outdoor activities such as running, playing football, etc. Thus, "office syndrome is a dark threat" to gradually threats to life without knowing it. Symptoms of the disease usually progresses slowly. Coupled with a gradual physical deterioration with age. To become a chronic condition that is aggravated by the increasing age itself (MD blessing. Ed stable, 2556) The majority of today's "office" is working seat working at the computer for a long time. This can cause the disease it is. Office disease syndrome (Office Syndrome) (species blooms holds lightning, 2552) caused by the work environment unsuitable desks disorder not easy to pick up the items. No unsuitable chair backrest that supports efficiently. The manner in improper operation. Is a humpback The computer screen for more than six hours per day without changing posture result migraine or chronic headache. Conditions such as pain, loss of balance organs (neck, back, shoulder, shoulder, arm, wrist and leg) bent spine limp wrist tendon inflammation Housing. Nerve cuff being crushed. The cause blurred vision. Dry eyes and irritation (local Information Center, 2555).