Transportation Charge Adjustment:
1. Transported quantity per trip is minimum 30 tons.
2. The Spot transportation service is subject to availability of our truck.
3. SPP shall inform the job’s schedule and book the truck to Kiattana for five (5) working days in advance. In case of any cancel for the booking, there shall be a surcharge Baht 5,000/trip.
4. The above service charges are based on diesel oil price (Bangkok) (DPo) @ 23.00 baht/liter and Labor cost at (Lo) 300 baht/day.
The transportation charge shall be adjusted in accordance with diesel oil price variation.
The adjustment formula is as follow:
TCn = TCo*AF
AF = (0.60 + 0.40 * (Fn/Fo))
TCn : The adjusted transportation charge at month "n"
TCo : Original transportation charge
AF : Adjusting factor
DPo : Original diesel oil price, 23.00 baht/liter
DPn : Weighted average of varied diesel oil prices during 1st-25th of month "n" (Note: the diesel oil price use PTT Thailand's announced price for reference which is available at