Grant Agreement
The amount specified in the Grant Agreement will be a contribution towards the costs for your visit. This amount represents the maximum funding you will receive and cannot be increased. The grant will be paid to your home institution only.
The Grant Agreement includes the following schedules which form integral parts of the Agreement:
Please make sure that you read carefully and understand fully all parts of the Grant Agreement and its schedules. By signing the Grant Agreement, your institution is confirming that it will abide by all the conditions set out in the Grant Agreement and its schedules. It is particularly important to make sure that you understand the monitoring and evaluation requirements.
Please can you:
a) complete and return 2 hard copies of the grant agreement signed by a legal representative of your home institution. Please post this to BC Operations (Thailand) Limited at Witthayakitti Building, 1st-2nd Floor, 254 Soi Chulalongkorn 64, Siam Square, Phyathai Road, Kwaeng Wangmai, Khet Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 Attention: Ms. Sasirin Akkararitwutthikun, Assistant Manager, Newton Fund by Monday December 14, 2015.
b) attend the mandatory orientation on Wednesday December 9, 2015
c) ensure that you complete your PhD Itinerary template (Schedule 6). We will use this information to inform the expected date of your final report.
d) ensure that you complete the Bank details Form (Schedule 9).
e) include a copy of the first page of the book bank along with Schedule 9 (very important document in transferring fund)
f) include a copy of your institution’s registration certificate (ใบจัดตั้งมหาวิทยาลัย) along with Schedule 9 (very important document in transferring fund)