New staff training start today
1. Da san training item at time 08.00-10.30 am.
1.1 TSTT rule
1.2 Safety
1.3 TSTT quality policy
1.4 ISO policy
2. Vijai san training item 10.30-11.30 am.
2.1 Recommend to Leader , Chief and Asst. Manager
2.2 About TSTT factory
2.3 TSTT process lay-out and point
2.4 Production rule
2.5 Lot method and control
2.6 Planning
2.7 Abnormal control and communication 3. Start working and taining by Leader ( Somkit san) , Chief ( Venus san) at time 13.00 am.
1. JT-bush process and coating
2. Target coating / hr./ day