The mango seed weevil, Cryptorhynchus mangiferae (F.), has prevented the
export of mangoes from Hawaii to the U.S. mainland for over 50 years because there
were no approved quarantine treatments to control this pest. Irradiation was explored
as a method to prevent adult emergence in, or to sterilize, mango seed weevil. Mixedage
mango seed weevils in mangoes were irradiated with target doses of 50, 100, or
300 Gy and held for adult emergence. The 300 Gy treatment (dose range 180–310 Gy)
did not prevent adult emergence. Emerging adults from the 100 and 300 Gy treatments
were lethargic and short-lived, and laid no eggs indicating sterility. An irradiation quarantine
treatment (100 Gy) to sterilize mango seed weevil in mangoes has been proposed.
Approval of this treatment will open U.S. mainland markets to mango exports
from Hawaii.