The first mistake that people make when selling their home is to pick the wrong real estate agent. Deciding on the right person to help you sell your home is not something you should take lightly. This is not the time to bring in your cousin, or the guy you went to high school with, or the friend who is down on his luck—unless these people are also great real estate agents. Ideally you want to find someone who is familiar with your neighborhood because they can help ensure you have your home priced correctly. You also should be looking for someone who sells homes on a regular basis, not just a couple homes a year, so you can be assured they know what is actually going on in the market right now. Also, the agent you choose should also not be a “yes-man” who only tells you what you want to hear. You need someone who will give you honest feedback on your house and its value.
Unless you are selling your home in a market that is so hot a four-year-old could sell a house, picking the right agent is one of the most important things you can do. Make sure you spend time talking with a few agents to make sure you get the one that you can confidently give the task of listing and selling your home.
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