SUBJECT: Bid Solicitation and Selection of Vendor
GENERAL: For purchases of items that in aggregate are greater than $100,000, bid solicitation is required. This dollar amount will vary by Contractor but minimum HOME standards must be met as contain¬ed in 24 CFR 86 and OMB Circular A-110. At least three competitive sealed bids should be obtained before contracting to purchase. Formal advertisements should be used. Emergency purchases are exempted from this requirement.
STEPS: Purchasing Officer
1. Recognize the need to obtain bids as dictated by statute and/or good business practice.
2. Determine if formal advertising is desirable or required. If so, place advertisement in appropriate newspapers. Be sure to include the advertisement in minority-outreaching newspapers. (Exhibit 3 is a sample of an Invitation to Bid.) Formal specifications should be prepared and made available to bidders.
3. Complete a Request for Quotation (see Exhibit 4), filling in the following information:
1. Request for Quotation Number
2. Date
3. Date Quote Desired By
4. Requisition Number
5. Requisition Date
6. Chargeable Account Number
7. Three Vendor Names
8. Item Desired
9. Quantity
10. Description
11. Unit Price
12. Amount
13. Signature of Purchasing Officer
This form should be submitted to at least three selected vendors whether formal advertising (as in Step 2 above) has occurred or not.
4. Distribute copies to vendors.