Stereotypes can be either positive or negative. For example, Asians are positively stereotyped as the "model" minority group, leading to an expectation that they will always behave in ways that reinforce the stereotypical notion. Other groups are stereotyped as "industrious and hard working." Nurses use negative stereotypes when they label an Native American/ Alaskan Native who complains of abdominal pain as alcoholic because they suspect that there is a high incidence of alcoholism in the group and generalize from the group to the individual. Similarly, a nurse who believes that young African-American women are sexually permissive may label a woman in this group who is complaining of abdominal pain as having a sexually transmitted disease. Clients who perceive they are being stereotyped may respond with anger and hostility. This in turn perpetuates the stereotype and creates barriers to health-seeking behavior. To minimize the use of stereotypes, nurses should be aware of their biases and recognize the effect of socialization on individual differences. They should catch themselves before falling prey to stereotypical comments and correct others when they make such statements (Munoz and Luckmann, 2005).