Treat - Instant Pore Appearance Reduction
Preventative Anti-Aging Begins Early. Targeting skin concerns early on can effectively prevent damage to the skin's surface and improve skin quality. The appearance of fine lines and wrinkles can be minimized with a skin care regimen that contains exfoliates to refine skin's texture, humectants to hydrate the skin, and antioxidants to fight free radical damage at the skin's surface. Keep skin younger-looking, longer.
DDF's Cleanse, Protect, Treat™ protocols delivers fast-acting, sustained results with continued use. Integrating trusted medical practices with knowledge of dermatology, biochemistry and nutrition, result in formulations that encourage vibrancy, clarity and a healthy appearance.
The DDF line was founded in 1991 by world renowned dermatologist, Dr. Howard Sobel, to provide his patients with over-the-counter products that delivers effective results backed by professional knowledge.
Made in USA