Holy Snow City was still there, although it was virtually in complete ruins. There were less than three hundred Cultivators left alive, including the Four Grand Elders. All of them stood there, their faces pale, looking at Meng Hao with expressions of deep veneration.
Meng Hao couldn’t see anything, but he could sense that someone was holding him. He also smelled a delicate fragrance. Within the blackness of his world, an ancient voice slowly echoed out in his mind.
“Successor, remember the Agarwood. I can project to you three times to help you avoid death.”
Meanwhile, far away from Holy Snow City, on the other side of the Black Lands, in the former Dongluo City, more than five thousand Cultivators were running and yelling.
“Have faith in the Lord Fifth, gain eternal life! When the Lord Fifth appears, who dares to cause strife!”
The more than five thousand Cultivators were dashing around the city in a circular pattern. The sight of it was quite astonishing. The ground shook as they ran, and a fog roiled around them, deep within which was what appeared to be a bright glow.
The glow bore the semblance of a sword, slowly gathering together. The glow didn’t spread out, although it did emanate a frightening aura. Nearby the glow was the parrot, who looked nervous. Its wings flapped as it flew around the bright glow.
“Ah, the Immortal Execution Formation, created by none other than myself, Lord Fifth. Dammit, this spell formation never screwed Lord Fifth over nine times. That never happened!” The parrot clenched its jaw as if it had just made a difficult decision. Just as it seemed to be on the verge of charging into the bright light, the Divine Will from Meng Hao arrived.
The parrot suddenly stopped moving. It stared in shock for a moment, then let out a shriek.
“Scared me to death! Just about completely broke my concentration. So, you’re in trouble, eh Meng Hao? Need me to rescue you? Alright, alright. We’ll have to see what furred and feathered things you can find for me in the future. I guess I’ll go save you.” With that, the parrot flapped its wings, flying up.
A roaring filled the air and the ground shook. More than five thousand Cultivators who had taken refuge in the Church of the Golden Light stared blankly up into the sky at the parrot as it spoke.
“Listen up, children! Your Patriarch Golden Light is in trouble. Let’s go save him! Come come. Start running in the way I taught you. Use the steps of the Immortal Execution Formation. Three circles to the left, three circles to the right. Shake those butts…. Go as fast as you can! Now, call it out with me….”
The Cultivators formed a long line and began running. A billowing fog sprang up that looked like dark clouds, which then whistled off into the distance.