To evaluate anaerobic capacity, the well-established test
developed by Bosco for measuring lactic anaerobic capacity
was used [31]. Maximal explosive strength was measured
by the squat jump (SJ) and countermovement jump (CMJ)
tests, considering only the best of three attempts, while to
assess anaerobic capacity a continuous series of 60 seconds
maximal countermovement jumps (60CMJ) was used.
This test consisted of continuous jumps involving stretchshortening
cycles. In this test protocol, performance in
mechanical parameters depends on the structure of the
innervation pattern and training status of the neuromuscular
system in terms of contractile and elastic abilities [21].
Obviously, any decrease in power output during the test
would be directly related to muscle fatigue. The results of
the 60CMJ test were used to evaluate anaerobic capacity
over 60 seconds in both groups. During the tests, data
were registered by means of an Ergo Jump Bosco System
contact mat, which was connected to a computer through
a USB port. Data were acquired, stored and processed using
Chronojump 0.8 software in order to calculate jump height
using body mass and flight time. This equipment and set-up
has been widely used in previous studies to assess anaerobic
To evaluate anaerobic capacity, the well-established testdeveloped by Bosco for measuring lactic anaerobic capacitywas used [31]. Maximal explosive strength was measuredby the squat jump (SJ) and countermovement jump (CMJ)tests, considering only the best of three attempts, while toassess anaerobic capacity a continuous series of 60 secondsmaximal countermovement jumps (60CMJ) was used.This test consisted of continuous jumps involving stretchshorteningcycles. In this test protocol, performance inmechanical parameters depends on the structure of theinnervation pattern and training status of the neuromuscularsystem in terms of contractile and elastic abilities [21].Obviously, any decrease in power output during the testwould be directly related to muscle fatigue. The results ofthe 60CMJ test were used to evaluate anaerobic capacityover 60 seconds in both groups. During the tests, datawere registered by means of an Ergo Jump Bosco Systemcontact mat, which was connected to a computer througha USB port. Data were acquired, stored and processed usingChronojump 0.8 software in order to calculate jump heightusing body mass and flight time. This equipment and set-uphas been widely used in previous studies to assess anaerobiccapacity.
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