Health locus of control (HLC) is the degree to which the
individual believes health outcomes are the result of his
own actions (internal HLC), luck or chance (chance HLC)
or the influence of significant other people (powerful others
HLC). Derived from Rotter’s social learning, the HLC was
introduced by Wallston et al. in 1970s (Wallston et al.
1978). People with a strong internal HLC believe that their
behaviours determine their health status. They are more
likely to seek information about health-threatening conditions
and engage in healthier behaviours, such as disease
prevention, to maintain their health (Wang et al. 2010). In
contrast, an external locus of control is marked by belief in
the influence of fate, powerful others or supernatural occurrences
upon one’s health (Brincks et al. 2010). It has long
been established that people’s perceived ability to control
their health influences their efforts to accumulate and use
health knowledge (Wang et al. 2010). This study aimed to
assess the effectiveness of application of HLC on pregnant
women for prevention of PPD in Iran.