Hello. Do you have to learn grammar? I have to learn grammar sometimes. I'm a grammar teacher. And I know grammar is really, really difficult sometimes. And it just makes you want to scream, pull your hair out, freak out, and cry sometimes. "I hate grammar." The reason why grammar is so difficult is because it's confusing; you have to remember so many rules; and then, there are exceptions to these so many rules; and it's just really confusing; and it's very different from your native language or languages, depending on how many you speak. So really, really easy, really effective method to learn any grammar ever in the world. So today's lesson is how to learn, remember, and use any grammar that is on a test, whether you're taking TOEFL or TOEIC or IELTS or Cambridge -- anything that you have to remember grammar for, this is going to be a godsend for you. It's going to help you so much. Great. So let's get into it.