The young toddler (18-24 months):
is developing an awareness of what behaviors are OK and not ok but continues to experiment or tease with not-oK behaviors,like throwing blocks and touching fragile things
May get busy playing and not recognize that she is tired or hungry
Recognizes when adults are pleased or displeased with behavior
Has difficulty settling down or controlling herself whe she is excited or wound up
Enjoys doing things that please beloved adults
May have difficulty during transition times or downtime when she is not engaged in an activity
in an activity The caregiver: Praises a child's good behavior and limits opportunities for behavior that is not OK Redirects the young toddler when she is doing something that is not OK and provides a substitute toy when the toddler wantssomething she cannot have Recognizes the importance of introducing a calmeractivity when the toddler is getting too excited or wound up Recognizes that toddlers may not realize when they are hungry or tired and maintains a regular schedule for mealtimes and resting times Tries to limit "downtime" and helps a toddler prepare for the next activity