Fee fie (phi), or the golden ratio.
Phi (Φ) (read aloud as "fie") is digits 1.618 ... is a constant of nature with several awesome features, but the most interesting feature of Phi Phi is concerned with Fibonacci number sequence is huge, it is because the Fibonacci numbers, if remove either one and then divided by the number of the Fibonacci sequence, that brought one of the positions is often ineffective, divided equal to or close to the Phi or 1.618 ... always, for example, when we put the two Fibonacci numbers, number of that adjacent divide, such as 311/911 will be equal to 1.6179 quotient or remove 118/73 shall be equal to the quotient 1.6164 ACE.Reasonable value of nearby Phi and, if we consider the Fibonacci numbers, that value is found, the ratio of two numbers is equal to 1.6180339887 ... always a phi value obtained with a geometric shape such as.