12.1 Asset Database
12.1.1 Asset management here means a holistic, systematic and optimal way of managing assets to achieve desired outcomes in a sustainable way. Asset management systems must provide complete life cycle coverage, starting with designing and continuing until replacement or reconstruction. The Civil Infrastructure and M&E System are treated as a single system taking into account the many interconnections between various assets and associated procedures.
12.1.2 The asset management system shall include and combine all kinds of specialised monitoring, data collection, and decision support systems. This should not just be the case for M&E System, but also for all Civil Infrastructure elements. The asset management system shall also incorporate issues like environmental and hazard management and emergency response systems.
12.1.3 In accordance with the Agreement, as part of the Hand-over package, the Concessionaire shall develop and maintain as Asset Database for all assets provided under the Agreement, equipment and documentation (including day to day Operation and Maintenance), required for the seamless transfer of the Operations and Maintenance of the Railway System to the MRTA at any time during the Agreement Period.
12.1.4 The Concessionaire shall agree with the MRTA before commencement of maintenance activities the value, residual life, depreciation methodology, and value at the end of the concession period of all assets listed in the database.
12.1.5 The Concessionaire shall prepare the format of the Asset Database and procedures for recording all assets for review by MRTA during the Detailed Design Submission.
12.2 Assets Reporting
12.1 The Concessionaire shall prepare and submit to MRTA a regular Asset Stewardship Report (ASR). The maximum reporting period shall not exceed six months.
12.2 The report shall contain, but shall not be limited to the following:
(a) Any significant replacement or modification of assets during the reporting period;
(b) Any assets taken out of or put into use during the reporting period;
(c) Any significant asset replacements likely to be necessary during the next two reporting periods; and
(d) Any other significant change to the residual value of the assets.
12.3 The report shall include trend analysis, and shall at least distinguish between latent defects, wear and tear, and accident damage or other external impact.
12.4 The Concessionaire shall check the remains of all assets provided throughout the Agreement Period on a yearly basis and submit the result as a yearly report to the MRTA. At least 15 days prior to start checking, the Concessionaire shall inform the MRTA to attend as witness.
13.1 The purpose of the Technology Transfer is to foster technical and Operation and Maintenance experience exchange and collaboration, with the objective to generate added value from synergy yields through combining specific strengths of the Concessionaire, Sub-contractors and related parties. This shall be achieved by various means such as training programmes, workshops and other forms of working activities since beginning of the Agreement with continual plans.
13.2 The Concessionaire shall provide workforce skills development for the MRTA’ staff with on-the-job training by co-workers with the Concessionaire‘s staff and Supplier’s staff during Design and Build period and followed by supplier training that accompanies the purchase of equipment for the Railway System.
13.3 During the Operation Service Period, the MRTA shall assign its staff to be a co-chief of each section and work in the same place with the Concessionaire’s chief to acknowledge the Operation and Maintenance works on a daily basis.
13.4 During the Agreement Period, the Concessionaire shall provide the training of and transfer of technology to the MRTA's personnel which shall be accomplished by allowing attendance to all of the Concessionaire's in-house training courses and participate in on-the-job training schemes, for both initial training and refresher training.
13.5 Prior to the expiry of the Agreement or any extensions there to, the Concessionaire shall provide on the job training in the practical, management and performance of the Services for the MRTA’s personnel including classroom training during Agreement Period,