Hotel Industry is biggest industry in some country that has grown of tourism. It makes increases GDP a lot of countries when good economy affect there are various travellers. Travellers from different countries come to travel and almost use The English language for easy to communication. This thing impacts to the tourism student for working in the Hotel Industry. The English language is the most important of the tourism education because in working you will be met people that use English whether it be business or traveller. Language stays around yourself so we must give precedence to practice and correctly use.
Why English is important to hotel industry because it is not just Thai to work in this organization but it has many foreigner . So if use Thai to be the common language in the organization when has a problem it is hard to get rid of a problem because who is foreigner can not know the problem. If organization used English It would make each department in the hotel industry to understand the problem.
In my opinion, I think English to be important for working the hotel industry because almost countries in the world use English for communication. So the hotel staff has to use English to be the common language for communication to customer because if the hotel staff can not communicate by English or can not use English as well it impact the hotel will be bad service and look unprofessional because when customer wants to ask or want to stay but your employee can not use English language for answer. Maybe they hotel will lose a customer or sometimes the employee they can use English but it is not strong so it will happen the bad service because when the hotel staff communicate to the foreigner if they do not understand things that customer ask or answer it will make problem such as miscommunication, the wrong information etc. It can make their hotel lose this customer group. The customers are the most important of the hotel industry.If not, have customers that mean not have money so they must service the customer group as well and do everything for customers feel impressed as a result the hotel will get more profit income.
English is easy to a reservation. When the customer wants to reserve the room but they can not call or can not reserve at the hotel so they will send E-mail to a reservation and then reserve department reply by English because it is easy and convenient. For example, if you used Thai to be the language to reply. You have to write a beautiful word but in English, you do not need to do it. But maybe English’s customer is not strong so reserve department has to reply two language that is interlingua and vernacular. So reserve department and customer understand each other. But the good way you should reply two languages better.I think language is basic for the hotel industry. It does not need to be English only because it just be a common language to communication but hotel industry is service tourist around the world so if you know many languages. You will get lower competitor because that is you have many customer groups like an America like a Chinese something like that.
English language not important for working in tourism industry only but important since education also such as Naresuan University International College that I study here. I am one student that learn tourism management at NUIC. At the first time, I just feel like English language but not focus very much. I just think that study in tourism management will use English as I ever study from high school but after I study until second year’s student. I found that it the not thing that I think because I realize that the real world they are the fighter that can use English language fight together all the time.NUIC teach me and make student know that who English has an effect to education and working in the future very much.Everything that we met in NUIC such as the presentation is English version or quiz, essay, teaching, the answer in English. It is some part of the real world that you must be met in the future. Nowadays, I try to practice everything about English such as practice writing, reading, listening. I think that good thing for me in the future if I want to work in the Hotel Industry. In 2 years ago, I think, I can show performance with the hotel that I want to work efficiently because in 100 percent that I learn in NUIC.In 50 percent come from capability and efficiency of NUIC teaching and then 50 percent come from intention in the education of myself when I thought like this I will have a spirit that fight with homework or problem that enter to me.
However, every language have important and impact to each country by base on language that this country use such as in the present Chinese language is the language that most people use but English language still used in international business or industry in the world that represents to influence and role of English language that infiltrate in every day life whether it be