Personal Narrative- Wearing Christian T-Shirts
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Personal Narrative- Wearing Christian T-Shirts
A life defining moment of mine was when I started wearing Christian t-shirts instead of everyday t-shirts. The old t-shirts just seem so bland to me now, and I did not really care for them as much as the others. I also preferred the messages that were on the Christian t-shirts. Most of the time the messages would make fun of something, like laundry detergent Tide, or commonly use phrases, such as armed and dangerous.
After a short period of time, I started to shop only at Sunshine for my t-shirts. It was one of the only Christian Book stores that had a decent selection of t-shirts in Brazoria County that was closes enough to go to. The best part is that Sunshine’s selection would be different every time. They also had ordering book at Sunshine, so if there was a shirt that they did not have it was probably in a catalog somewhere. Wearing the Christian t-shirts help me keep my focus on how I should act as a Christian. The t-shirts also help me strive to be a better Christian than what I am. Wearing Christian t-shirts have done sever thing in my relationship with God.