On the other hard, is the promotion of business making sure our customers are aware of our product with customer surveys ,
sales anad things like advertisements, So where does that leave supply chain? in supply chain management, We are the businss. we source your product, We make you product, and we deliver your product so you as a consumer can enjoy your product. So what careers are available in supply chain management? First, there are people who make deals and negotiate with suppliers to make sure you get things like raw materials to your business on time, You can strike deals, save your company lots of money. Something that will make you very valuable in the marketplace. Also,you could work in quality control and assure that your companies product is the best on the market. This involves deep analysis and constantly cvolving quality methods to make sure your product is consistently the best. You will be a process analyst,and improve the processes in your factory. You will be responsible to make sure your products get our the door as efficiently as possible like all these nice cars being pumped out of this factory.In logistics,a complex and exciting field,we focus on getting materials from one place to another. This field is growing quickly. For example, about 10% of the population if the state of georgia works in the field of logistics. You could be a supply chain strategy analyst. You can consult your company on how they can save money by modifying their supply chain and come up with great ideas, supply chain managers save their company an average of $ 250,000 every year. So what companies recruit from BYU?