CONGRATULATIONS! This is another innovation that ONECOIN lead by our Pretty, kind and the Founder/President of ONECOIN DR. RUJA IGNATOVA through JUHA PARHIALA with their Director and Manager here in Hong Kong Dir Fernando Rys. Guys, this is an interview one on one with DIR. FERNANDO RYS on this Grand Opening of ONECOIN SERVICES LTD.
The facility is perfectly designed with complete offices for our Founder DR. RUJA IGNATOVA.
The office has first the RECEPTION area then Function room that can accomodate more or least hundred of visitors. The stage is elevated for speaker can be seen by guest and delegates.
Mr. Rys toured me on the whole facilities with a total area of 600SM. We go also on the conference room that can accomodate 30 guest then proceeded to the Officers and staff offices. The Office of Mr Fernando was shown and we seated for short dialog then just adjacent side is the office of Dr. Ruja Ignatova. It is perfectly done that blend the beauty of our founder.
On the other side is the IT office then shown also is the Office staff with many Loptops. After we move to the pantry room and the last exit is small conference room that is just adjacent side of the Reception area.
Moreover, I can say that the office is so safe as per my assistment since I am also an ISO Auditor. They furnitures ar all safe speaking of natural hazards cause by earthquake. Installed with Fire Extinguishers in case of Fire. Compulsary to Hong Kong goverment with water sprinlers. and outsie is water hose hydrant.
I can say that the facility is safe to all guest and visitors coming