Seats are selected in vehicles which are produced by different manufacturers from the compact car segment. The five seats are distinguished by using letters A to E. For comparing the contour and geometry characteristics, the five seats were in similar set-up as follows:
A coordinate system establish in relation to the vehicle system with help of portable coordinate measurement machine (CMM), known as a FaroArm by taking a common reference.
The seatback angle was set to 250 from vertical & track position was set to full rear.
Manikin was placed in the seat without weights.
It was adjusted until positioned properly & then weights added
In this position, H-Point as well as the H-Point to heel point relationships and the manikin’s critical angles were measured for each seat.
Unload the Manikin from the seat.
After H-point measurement, seat centre profile was scan with help of CMM probe by taking enough points to create a line. Points were taken to the center of the probe. For this reason, the scan lines, in a post processing operation, were offset by the radius of the probe. For the study, cushion/back width and cushion/back length was also measured [9]. The location of the apex of the lumbar contour was measured as the most prominent point on the seatback contour tangent and parallel to the design position torso line. Once identified, a line was drawn through the apex that was perpendicular to the torso line. The height of the apex was 150 mm above H-Point measured along the torso line.