Conclusion and Suggestions
All of the teachers participated in the study agreed that it is every important to gain students the
affective competencies at the Science and Technology course so they gave importance to this
issue. Most of the participant teachers explained this significance as the affective learning
influence the science success positively.
The themes that the teachers emphasized more about the responsibilities of schools and
administrations to develop the students‟ affective competencies are “providing equipment,
creating the laboratory environment, supporting the teachers designed activities”. Regarding the
teachers‟ responsibilities and duties about this issue, the themes of “making the lesson enjoyed,
endearing teacher himself, being competent at the subject-matter, using the laboratory
environment, increasing the awareness about the significance of the affective domain, selfdevelopment”
are mostly emphasized by the teachers. When the responsibilities of school,
administrations and teachers were handled together, it was seen that rather than classrooms, the
laboratory environments were accepted as the most suitable places to develop the affective
competencies. The reason of this finding is the teachers‟ belief that the affective skills can be
gained better at the application places more effectively.
The themes that the teachers mostly mentioned are questioning, establishing cause-effect
relationship, having curiosity, transferring to the Daily life and developing self-confidence. It drew
attention that the themes of transferring to Daily life and time management are not consistent
with the related literature. It was also observed that the teachers did not mention about the