@ However the careful preparations of the army which was the largest ever seen under the flower strewing
@ angels of Heaven was set at risk by the carelessness of the angel Panurat. In defence of Longkla King
@ Totsakan had called upon the monster Panurat's help (for the reward of half his kingdom) and the monster
@ had dug himself into the earth creating a sweet smelling flower garden from his body with his fur changed
@ into sweet smelling flowers. The plan was that the army of King Pra Ram would seek rest once it reached
@ the island in this flower garden, become drowsy and Panurat would then rise up and crush the army like lice.
@ Prakontan fell for the plan and advised that the false flower garden should be the place for the army
@ once it reached the island to rest. However the seer Pipek warned that there was no flower garden on the
island of Longka and King Pra Ram ordered Hanuman to further investigate. He found that in this so
called garden the ripe fruit which had fallen to the ground was still perfectly formed without any damage, realized there was a trap, dug into the earth, found the monster Panurat and killed him.
The way was now clear for the army to attack. King Pra Ram praised Hanuman for his cleverness (which had helped to avoid disaster), punished Prakontan for his carelessness and prepared the army to strike to free Queen Sida.