Mars,the red planet
some scientisis belive that mars ocen had a vast ocean in its northern hemisphere how did mars change into the dry and
dusty planet it is today ? scientisis plan to explore mars's dry riverbeds and polar areas in search of the answer . like earth , mars has clouds in its atmosphere , seasons and vocanoes . Howevre , conditions on mars are very different from those on our own planet. between day and night, temperatures vary by 100 degrees celsius . dust storms with winds reaching 480 kilometers per hour occur at certain times of the year and from giant tornadoes. mars's atmosphere is thinner than eart's and thr toxic to humans. future mission to mars will answer many question about the planet and will make new discoverise . new technologies will enable scientisis to expoler mars in return
soil and rock samples from mars for studies in laboratories here on earth .
recently the robots spirit and opportunity transmitted
over 50,000 images of the planet. opportunity examinned
a cartre, which gave scientisis evidence that the area
was once covered in salt water .
the final step in the exploration may be the first human
step on mars .