To evaluate the clinical usefulness of MDPB, an
animal model was established and the antibacterial
activity of the primer containing MDPB was assessed
in more realistic condition21). In this model, the cavity
was prepared on a sound tooth of a beagle dog and
inoculated with S. mutans to simulate the residual
infection after caries removal (Fig. 7). The bacteria
were completely inactivated by the application of the indicating that the MDPB-containing self-etching
primer could exhibit antibacterial effects not only in
vitro but also in vivo.
@@The fact that such cavity disinfecting effects are
beneficial for preserving the pulp was demonstrated
by the animal tests using the same model of infected
cavity21). Composite filling was performed with the
antibacterial primer containing 5“ MDPB to the
infected cavity, and the pulp was histopathologically
evaluated after 7-75 days. While the positive control
without application of any material or the restoration
using parent primer without MDPB resulted in the
occurrence of moderate to mild inflammatory
responses of the pulp, even after 75 days, no
inflammation was observed for the restoration using
the MDPB-containing primer (Fig. 8, Table 3). The
other study, which examined the usage of Clearfil
Protect Bond to infected non-exposed and exposed
cavities, supported the effects of the MDPBcontaining
primer to maintain pulp vitality and
primary odontoblastic function22). Therefore, by the
application of antibacterial primer incorporating
MDPB to the deep cavity with possible residual
infection, bacteria can be eradicated and
inflammation of the pulp can be protected.
To evaluate the clinical usefulness of MDPB, an
animal model was established and the antibacterial
activity of the primer containing MDPB was assessed
in more realistic condition21). In this model, the cavity
was prepared on a sound tooth of a beagle dog and
inoculated with S. mutans to simulate the residual
infection after caries removal (Fig. 7). The bacteria
were completely inactivated by the application of the indicating that the MDPB-containing self-etching
primer could exhibit antibacterial effects not only in
vitro but also in vivo.
@@The fact that such cavity disinfecting effects are
beneficial for preserving the pulp was demonstrated
by the animal tests using the same model of infected
cavity21). Composite filling was performed with the
antibacterial primer containing 5“ MDPB to the
infected cavity, and the pulp was histopathologically
evaluated after 7-75 days. While the positive control
without application of any material or the restoration
using parent primer without MDPB resulted in the
occurrence of moderate to mild inflammatory
responses of the pulp, even after 75 days, no
inflammation was observed for the restoration using
the MDPB-containing primer (Fig. 8, Table 3). The
other study, which examined the usage of Clearfil
Protect Bond to infected non-exposed and exposed
cavities, supported the effects of the MDPBcontaining
primer to maintain pulp vitality and
primary odontoblastic function22). Therefore, by the
application of antibacterial primer incorporating
MDPB to the deep cavity with possible residual
infection, bacteria can be eradicated and
inflammation of the pulp can be protected.
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