Across France, from April - August, weather conditions are generally warm and pleasant with moderate rainfall; fall temperatures are a bit lower and the winter months (though colder) remain mild.
The primary exceptions to that status quo are the mountainous areas, as morning and evening temperatures are considerably cooler in summer and become much colder in winter with heavy snowfall. This is especially true in the French Alps, where ski resorts don’t usually lack snow from November onwards.
In addition, along much of the English Channel and inland for about 50 km, and also across the Brittany Peninsula in the far northwest, frequent rains and strong winds are normal occurrences November - April.
In north-central France, from Paris south through the Loire River Valley, and then on to Bordeaux and the Bay of Biscay, precipitation amounts are light and the summer temperatures average in the high 70's.
Along the southern Mediterranean coastline the spring months are mild and windy, and summers are notoriously comfortable (some say perfect) with high temps in the low 80's and little rainfall. Rains return in the fall and winter months, but freezing conditions are almost unheard of.