As a result of, I'm an English teacher of Mr. Amontep, a student in mattayom 6/2 of Pattananikomschool Sees Mr. Amontep is orderly student and still has a high responsibility to themselves and other. He is interested in learning as well as satisfactory degree. In other Mr. Amontep has leadership and manage his life as well. Moreover she always be a part of all school activities
He is cheerful, creative, always think in positive way, kindness and love to help other as well as He can do. Those make a good memory for other. Finally, I wish you success to all things that you want and hope. Be a great student and a good population of the country.
Mr. Amontep student in mattayom 6/2 of Pattananikomschool, from where I was an English teacher sees Mr. Amontep makes a mass and still have a responsibility to themselves and other high. Are interested in learning as well as management and planning as well.Activities like to cooperate with all school activities.
The character Mr. Amontep Be Cheerful Be cheerful Be creative and think positive always. Kindness and love to help other as well as those with a good memory This is the end let teacher Mr.Amontep I with success to all the people and the good of the institution and the country.