Alcohol consumption causes a number of markid changed in behavior .
Even low doses significantly impair the judgement and co-ordination required to drive a car safely ,increasing the likelihood that the driver will be involved in an accident.
Low to moderate doses of alcohol also increase the occurrence of a variety of aggressive acts , including violence in the home.
Moderate to high doses of alcohol cause serious impairments in higher mental functions severely altering a person's ability to earn and remember information.
very high doses cause respiratory depression and death.
Repeated us of alcohol can lead to dependence.
An alcoholic who stops drinking abruptly is likely to obtain withdrawal symptoms, including severe anxiety , tremors , hallucinations and convulsions.
Alcohol withdrawal can be life-threatening.
Long-term consumption of large quantities of alcohol , particularly when combined with a poor nutrition, can also lead to permanent damage to vital organs such as the brain and the liver.