The maintenancedepartment has thepowerto controla surprisinglylarge amount ofsite energy waste. Active, enthusiastic management of antiwaste programs like steam trap testing, repair, and replacement, steam leak repair, and insulation maintenance have a huge impact. Chapters 9–16 contain a number of energy-critical maintenance suggestions.Maintenancegroups areoften given a fixed annual budget, and unexpectedrepairs canwhittleawayatthediscretionaryportionofthebudget.Wasteminimizationprograms areoftenthe firstchoicefor“saving”maintenancefunds.Itisimportanttoensureboththat the maintenance group understands the value these programs provide and that the group getscreditfortheirsavings.Oftenthemaintenancegroupseesnoconsequenceforcutting these programs and no credit for saving them. The energy manager can provide both. Chapters 13 and 14 discuss steam traps and leaks in more detail.