the whole interpretation process, the researchers’
pre-understanding, which included the theoretical frame-
previously described and experiences in intensive
care, was
used in a hermeneutic spiral; from pre-
understanding to
understanding and
to new understanding
from parts
to the whole text and back again. These
resulted in
new questions to the text and a
new understanding
arising again.
However, it is not pos-
to be
aware of one’s own pre-understandings
and prejudices in the process of interpretation. It therefore
has to be emphasised that other interpretations are pos-
sible in relation to other interpreters’ pre-understanding.
However, the interpretation made is judged as the most
probable based upon the interviewer’s pre-understanding,
the questions asked, what was talked about and the chil-
dren’s statements. The text from the interview with the
child has been interpreted and analysed by both researchers
inspired by Gadamer’s hermeneutics and Doverborg and
Pramling Samuelsson’s (2000) method. The text from all the
interviews was read through separately several times.
During the whole interpretation process, the researchers’pre-understanding, which included the theoretical frame-work previously described and experiences in intensivenursing care, was used in a hermeneutic spiral; from pre-understanding to understanding and to new understandingand from parts to the whole text and back again. Thesemovements resulted in new questions to the text and anew understanding arising again. However, it is not pos-sible to be fully aware of one’s own pre-understandingsand prejudices in the process of interpretation. It thereforehas to be emphasised that other interpretations are pos-sible in relation to other interpreters’ pre-understanding.However, the interpretation made is judged as the mostprobable based upon the interviewer’s pre-understanding,the questions asked, what was talked about and the chil-dren’s statements. The text from the interview with thechild has been interpreted and analysed by both researchersinspired by Gadamer’s hermeneutics and Doverborg andPramling Samuelsson’s (2000) method. The text from all theinterviews was read through separately several times.
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