areas and aggregate roughness in the lightest part. These pores may
have been formed due to a solution in which the bacteriophages are
With regard to the evidence provided by Atomic Force Microscopy
(AFM), Almeida et al. (2013) reported that when there was
the addition of silver nanoparticles to different films containing
clay Nanofil there was a corresponding increase in the roughness of
the films. This increase in roughness was probably caused by low
interaction between silver/Nanofil/polymer, allowing the formation
of aggregates and increased roughness. Compared to our work,
the formation of pores may have been influenced by the solution in
which the bacteriophage is stored.
4. Conclusion
Bacteriophages incorporated into acetate film caused visual
changes in the film and changes in its tensile properties. The
thickness, elongation and puncture resistance were not altered
with the addition of bacteriophages.
The antimicrobial activity of the film was shown in both the
diffusion method in liquid medium and in the method of solid
medium diffusion evidenced by the growth curve and the inhibition
formed, respectively, when incubated at 35 C.
Bacteriophages remained viable for 14 days of evaluation. After
that time, they were no longer detected in the film. The Atomic
Force Micrograph showed a change in the morphological structure