The purpose of this study was to determine if exposure to hygiene education program
updated the level of knowledge of mothers/other caretaker of ORT patients regarding
diarrhoea-association risk factors and preventive practices. A quasi-experimental design was
used in which data were collected at two specific intervals before and immediately after the
educational session. The sample consisted of 176 mothers and other caretakers of ORT patients
who participated in the program daily for a period of three months. The program was ten
minutes hygiene focused educational session, featuring lecture-discussions, songs, and display
of photographs, real objects, models and posters. Nurses with training in health education
conducted the session. The researcher and a trained assistant using a pre-tested interview
schedule, consisting of questions on respondent’s socio-demographic variables and knowledge
of diarrhoea associated risk factors and preventive practices interviewed respondents. The Z
test was used to test for significant improvement in mother’s level of knowledge. Results
indicate significant improvement in level of knowledge of risk factors and preventive practices
among mothers and caretakers post intervention (p