Do you wish you had more hours in the day? Juggling classes, homework and laundry doesn't leave much time for fun, let alone sleep. In fact, college life can get pretty overwhelming. Start the semester strong—and enjoy it a little bit more—with these time-saving tips.
Get Organized. Make a schedule and then stick with it. When you receive your syllabus at the start of the semester, write down all your test dates and homework deadlines. Include your appointments and club meetings, then block out time for studying and working out. Find a system that works best for you—a paper list, daily planner or an app like Schedule Planner. Don’t forget to prioritize and make daily to-do lists.
Study Smarter. The best students don’t necessarily study longer, they study smarter. Become an active reader, take better notes, join a study group, create a successful study environment and learn memory retention strategies. Check out these and more effective study tips from the Study Skills Guide for College Students by College Atlas.
Limit Distractions. Facebook, television and your mobile phone can be as distracting as that kid who won’t stop coughing in the middle of an exam. Take a break from distractions when you’re studying – turn off the TV, put your phone away and don’t sneak a peek at the latest Jenna Marbles video. If you’re still struggling, download an app like SelfControl that blocks you from using websites for a select amount of time.
Multitask. Make every minute count by doing two things at once. Read notes while you’re on the elliptical machine at the gym. Listen to recorded lectures or professor podcast as you fold laundry. Complete a math problem during your favorite TV show’s commercial. And always carry abbreviated lecture notes or flashcards with you to squeeze in a few minutes of studying between classes.
Take a Mental Break. You’re working hard and sticking to your schedule. Plan a few short 15-minute breaks during your eight-hour study marathon. Then reward yourself with a night off when you finish studying for that big test, or when you complete your research paper. Go hang out with friends and do something fun. Relax and enjoy your break so you’re refreshed and ready to focus on school the next day.