suicide among the elderly in two towns in rural Japan [19,
20]. This research found that education interventions
delivered by PHNs targeting suicide using depression
management with non-psychiatric, primary health care
lowered suicide rates for elderly women by 70 % or more
in comparison to men. Programs comprised of three main
elements: depression detection (using firstly self-reporting
and secondly annual assessments by PHNs), workshops
3–4 times annually, and social activities and exercise on a
monthly basis. During workshops, local PHNs promoted
depression awareness and management of suicide risk. The
reasons for these results need to be investigated further to
determine what measures will prove effective to reduce
suicide rates for both sexes. To some extent, it may be that
the results are merely reflective of the small population the
subject of the study. It may therefore be difficult to generalize
the results.
suicide among the elderly in two towns in rural Japan [19,20]. This research found that education interventionsdelivered by PHNs targeting suicide using depressionmanagement with non-psychiatric, primary health carelowered suicide rates for elderly women by 70 % or morein comparison to men. Programs comprised of three mainelements: depression detection (using firstly self-reportingand secondly annual assessments by PHNs), workshops3–4 times annually, and social activities and exercise on amonthly basis. During workshops, local PHNs promoteddepression awareness and management of suicide risk. Thereasons for these results need to be investigated further todetermine what measures will prove effective to reducesuicide rates for both sexes. To some extent, it may be thatthe results are merely reflective of the small population thesubject of the study. It may therefore be difficult to generalizethe results.
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