To process this information, Sony teamed up with JDA Software to set up an offshore team in India that would analyze the store-level data during U.S. evening hours. This meant that fresh insights would be available in time for the morning CPFR calls. The Indian team parsed the sell-through and inventoryquantity data by product model and store to identify actionable trends for the CPFR team back in the States. For example, if the analysis showed that the sell-in order quantities for a retailer's distribution center were not in line with the associated store-level sell-through quantities, then the Indian team would identify this mismatch. That information would then be highlighted during the CPFR call, giving the retailer's buyer or planner time to adjust future order splits accordingly. Another example: If sell-through of a particular model-store combination showed an anomalous drop, Sony would alert the retailer, which could then check whether the model was correctly displayed, priced, and available for sale at that store.