Current Supplier:
Large Compact:
- We asked supplier to used Existing Compact of X'14&X'15 and Supplier recommend that they should open new mold for top plate tooling which decorated with glittering, we will check for lead time and production lead time. Jess: please also check for the mould cost for re-tool the lids.
- Regarding to Glittering with smooth skin on lid, they will use dispensing sticker with high glittering. Jess: any existing dispensing sticker or image you could show us for reference?
- As per supplier informed, the weakness of glittering by dispensing sticker is "the color of glue on sticker will slowly turning yellowish and edge of sticker might hold up after a period of time, due to the deco area is quite big. Also, can't pass UV aging test" jess: so believe yellowish issue will be hidden when there is printing or glitter particles on it?
- Do you have any target of color for glittering lid, we will check with supplier to find out for similar color. Jess: we are waiting the design from UK and will update once available.
Bronzer Compact:
The size is less than 7g. Please find as per attached and advise your comment, if the product might be similar to project which we are looking for. Jess: we prefer in square shape, your image P159 look fine, but this Bronzer compact also need recess on top for putting glitter effect, so they will be in the same style with Large & Small compact.
Supplier A:
due to they can do the glittering on lid then we will check if they can do by smooth skin on lid. The compact with code YF2923 may be suitable for Small Compact, then we will check if they can open new mold for large compact with inner tray option. Jess: please see UK preferred clear resin effect as attached (just base need to be in glitter paper/fabric), please update what effect your supplier can achieve.
Supplier B:
due to they have similar size of large compact with common mold then we are checking with them if any optional of inner tray, and supplier informed that they can do the glittering on lid with smooth skin on lid and they called "Epoxy Technology". We have asked them for sample and will advise for updated. Jess: this sound good, please could you share the size & image for the large compact with glitter under epoxy?
Supplier C:
Due to this supplier can do smooth skin on the lid, but the can't do for glitter by spraying process, only crystal decoration on compact lid that they can produce. We will check with them if they can add glitter paper or fabric on lid and coating by resin. Jess: actually not prefer spraying as it will become complicated, prefer glitter paper or fabric to make it simple. Thanks