Positive Impression (PI) and Negative Impression (NI) Scores
The score on the Positive Impression scale (PI) was somewhat elevated. Although the PI score indicates a tendency towards overly positive self-presentation, the tendency was small and should not have a major influence on the results and interpretation of the scores.
Correction Factors:
The correction factors are used to fine tune EQ-i scores on the basis of validity scale scores. The adjusted (or corrected) scores take into account response style. Corrections of greater than zero mean that points have been added to the scores, and corrections less than zero mean that points have been taken off the scores. Because EQ-i scales are affected differently by response tendencies, different types of corrections are applied as follows:
Type I applies to Total Intrapersonal, Emotional Self-Awareness, Problem Solving, and Flexibility. Type II applies to Total EQ, Total Adaptability, Reality Testing, and Stress Tolerance.
Type III applies to Social Responsibility, Happiness and Impulse Control.
Type IV applies to Total Stress Management, Total General Mood, and Self-Regard.
Type V applies to Total Interpersonal, Interpersonal Relationship, Optimism, and Self-Actualization. There is no correction for Independence, Empathy, and Assertiveness.