6. Conclusion
This experimental analysis emphasise the importance of understanding
thermal, physical and chemical properties of the
biomass fuels before selecting them to burn and produce heat to
use for any specific application. These properties influence the
stability of flame, rate of combustion and proportion of modes of
heat output from the system.
It can be stated that, high energy and low moisture content
materials have shown stable and high heat output combustion
performance. The rate of combustion is high for low sphericity and
smaller size particle materials. High lignin, low moisture and
moderate particle size materials have a stable combustion and
steady heat output from the system.
In conclusion, by using small-scale combustor for the applications
where high rate of heat energy is required, smaller size, low
sphericity and low moisture content particle materials such as
sawdust is highly recommended. In case of stable and log lasting
heat energy applications high energy content, moderate particle
size and high sphericity particle materials are suitable. This understanding
can help the engineers, designers and users of biomass
combustion systems to choose the right biomass materials for any
specific heating application