The profile of the long chain fatty acids of goat meat shows oleic acid
(C18:1) to be the most abundant, with palmitic (C16:0) and stearic
acids (C18:0) being relatively high. Similarfindings were reported by
Casey (1992). Peña et al. (2009)suggested that palmitic acid increases
blood cholesterol, stearic acid has no effect, and oleic acid decreases
blood cholesterol content.Banskalieva, Salhu, and Goetsch (2000)
suggested that the ratio of (C18:0+ C18:1)/C16:0 could be useful in
describing the potential health effects of different types of lipids. In
the current study the ratios were 2.80 for MOL supplemented meat
samples, 2.93 for SC and for 2.42 GH