In spite of the aforementioned advantages of, and benefits accruing from, induced mutations, it is hardly a mainstream endeavor in crop improvement. A majority of plant breeding programs have no active mutation induction activities while a number of irradiation facilities have been closed in the last two to three decades. It is plausible to infer that the decline in the applications of induced mutations—which parallels the general decline in capacities for crop improvement, especially, plant breeding—correlates inversely with the upsurge in the adoption and applications of biotechnologies, especially recombinant DNA technologies. But, it need not be one or the other being as the techniques are vastly different. Induced mutations, for instance, does not entail the introduction of extraneous hereditary materials which subsequently express in the recipient genome. This alone exempts induced mutants from the often times expensive and long regulatory regimes that genetically modified organisms are subject to. This relative simplicity of official processes couples with the earlier mentioned robustness and cheap start up and operational costs to make induced mutations particularly suitable for developing countries.