seemed to be unhappy And sometimes he felr that he would never see her again. After two week, Lord Surbiton got bored with venice and the two brothers sailed down the coast to Ravenna. But after a time. Lond Arthur became anxious about Lady Clementina and he returned to Venice by train. There were several messages for him at his hotel, and he opened them quickly. Everything had been successful! Lady Clementina had died quite suddenly five days ago! His first thought was for Sybil, and he sent her a message he was returning immediately to London. The other two messages for him were from his mother, the Duchess and fom Mr Mansfield. Lady Clementina's lawyer. The old lady had gone to dinner with the Duchess on the night of her death. She had been very happy and full of fun. but had gone home rather early because of stomach trouble. In the morning she was found dead in her bed. The doctor said that her death was peaceful A few days before she died, Lady Clementina had made her wil. In it she left her London house and ll her furniture to Lord Arthur The value of the property w.3 not great, but Mr Mansfield wanted Lord Arthur to return immediately There were a lot of bills to pay, he said. Lord Arthur was deeply affected by Lady Clementina's kindness to him, and he blamed Mr Podge in a way for her death. But his love of Sybil was stronger than any other feeling. He was glad that he had done the right thing. The Mertons were happy to see him. Sybil made him promise that nothing would ever come between them again.The marriage was arranged for 7th June, and life seemed bright and beautiful again to Lord Arthur. One day, he was in Lady Clementina's house with Mr Mansfield and Sybil.They were burning old papers and clearing