Making it Last
1. Bleach hair first- hair color can last as long as 8 weeks on bleached hair.
2. Shampooing, swimming and hair spray will all cause hair to fade faster.
3. Replenish you hair color by adding 2 tablespoons of hair color to your normal hair conditioner. Comb through hair, let sit in hair for 3-5 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
Getting it Out
1. Use of an alkaline shampoo will promote removal of color from hair.
2. A pre-packaged hot oil treatment may further accelerate the removal of color: follow the manufacturer's instructions for application of oil. To remove oil along with some color, first apply shampoo without adding water. Add water gradually as you continue to shampoo until oil is completely removed.
Getting Dye off your hands and skin, tub and tile
1. The best product we've found all around is Dawn dish washing liquid. On the tub, tile, sink, pour directly on stain, let it stand a bit, then add water and scrub. Wipe it off with paper towels. Repeat if necessary. Try a small area to be sure it works first. You will see the Dawn change to the color of the dye as it sucks it up! You can also pour on your hands and scrub off with a nubby washcloth.
2 . Use rubbing alcohol on a cottonball or disposable cloth for your hands if needed. Then, use soap and water (liquid soap or hand soap works better than bar soap) and scrub with a washcloth.