To optimize the wind turbine operations, this paper suggests further
classification of the wind speed region between the cut-in andthe rated
wind speed. In this way, more precise control strategies can be implemented.
The data used in this paper is collected froma 1.5MW turbine
with cut-in speed of 3.5m/s and rated speed of 12.5 m/s. The speed of
7m/s is used as an additional threshold category (see Fig. 4) to define
the following four wind speed scenarios shown in Table 2.
Table 2 illustrates the classification of wind conditions according to
wind speed and turbulence intensity. The threshold of wind speed is
7m/s and the threshold of turbulence intensity is 0.06. Consider
scenario 1 for example, as all the wind speed is higher than 7m/s, this
period of wind conditions is defined as high wind speed period. As
54.84% turbulence intensity is higher than 0.06 and the maximum is
around 0.16, the scenario is also defined as high turbulence intensity.
Similarity, scenario 2 is characterized as high wind speed and low
turbulence intensity. Scenario 3 is characterized as low wind speed and
high turbulence intensity and Scenario 4 is low wind speed and low
turbulence intensity.