Thinngyan, the Water Festival is the most unique and colourful with the
merriest occasion in Myanmar. During Thinngyan days the people
throwing water each other since the Myanmar believe that Thinngyan
water has the power to cleanse the evil and sins of the old year. The
water festival called "Thinngyan" falls on the last four days before
Myanmar New Year day, Thinngyan water festival time is the merriest
time for Myanmar young and old. Almost the whole populations are in the most joyous mood; roam around the city in cars or on foot to throwing and splashing water each other. There is an interesting legend attached to this festival. It is believed that the king of celestial beings - Thagyarminn - descends to the earth on the first day of Thinngyan to take note of how mortals behave. He records good deeds on a gold parchment and bad on a parchment made from dog skin. The time the celestial king descends marks the beginning of the 'change' (Thinngyan comes from a Sanskrit word which means change). While Thinngyan is a time for fun, it is also a time for religious reflection. People go to temples to do merit and offer food to monks, pay homage to elders and bathe Buddha images. Food is prepared and offered to one and all. Young people pay respects to their elders by washing their hair, cutting their nails and offering them gifts.